REVIEW - [쇼핑몰명]

It's so pretty to give a point.

Posted by leesle(ip:)

Date 21.11.23

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키 :155

평소 사이즈(ex 44, 55) :55

착용 사이즈 :S

착용 컬러 :아이보리


계속 눈팅만하던 리슬에서 처음으로 구매한 옷입니다.

사진으로 보기에도 너무 이뻤는데 직접 입어보니 더 맘에 들어요!

단정하면서도 귀엽고 깔끔해요.

폴라에 바지에 배자만 입어도 분위기가 달라지고 너무 좋은 포인트가 돼요! (사진은 잘 안나왔지만😭)정말 편하게 자주 입고 다닐수 있을거 같아서 너무 좋네요. 

봄 가을에도 입기 너무 좋을거같아요! 

어서 날이 풀려서 다른 외투 안입고 같이 구매한 자수원피스랑 입고 나가고싶어요! :)

This is the first clothing I purchased from LEESLE, which I've been only looking at.
It was so pretty in the picture, but I like it more when I tried it on myself.
It's neat, cute, and neat.
The atmosphere changes just by wearing turtlenecks, pants, and bazaar, and it's a great point. (The picture didn't come out well, but 😭) I'm so happy that I can wear it very comfortably and often.
I think it'll be great to wear in spring and fall, too!
I can't wait to get warmer and wear the embroidered dress that I bought without another coat. :)!

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