REVIEW - [쇼핑몰명]

soft and pretty

Posted by leesle(ip:)

Date 21.11.16

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키 : 160 

평소 사이즈(ex 44, 55) : 상체 66, 하체 77

착용 색상/ 사이즈 : 66-77  아이보리


결혼식 2부에 입으려고 샀어요!  급하게 ㅜㅜ 온라인으로 사는거라  고민많아서 상담전화드렸었는데 친절하게 추천해주셔서 고를수있었어요. 그날  뉘신지...정말 감사했어요.  결혼식 당일만 입고 못입겠지  하고 샀는데, 웬걸 가끔 기분내고 싶은 날 그냥 입고 나갈 정도로 편하고 예뻐요.

I bought this to wear to the 2nd wedding party! I was in a hurry ㅜㅜ I was worried about buying online, so I called for advice, but they kindly recommended me, so I was able to choose. Who you were that day...Thank you so much. I bought it because I thought I wouldn't be able to wear it only on the day of the wedding, but it's so comfortable and pretty that I just wear it on days I want to feel good.


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