REVIEW - [쇼핑몰명]

This outfit is cool!

Posted by leesle(ip:)

Date 21.11.16

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키 : 153/175

평소 사이즈(ex 44, 55) : 55/77

착용 색상/ 사이즈 : 흰색/ S, 검정/L


커플 선물로 생활한복을 찾아보다가 발견해서 들어오게 됐어요.

시원한 소재감으로 바람이 슝슝~한여름에 한 동안 입을거 같아요

더불어 다양한 생활한복이 나왔으면 좋겠어요

디자인이 조금 밋밋 해요. 소매가 조금 긴 옷 도 나오면 활용도가 더욱

더 높을거 같아요! 생활한복 답게 풍덩풍덩한 사이즈 덕분에 짱짱짱

편하게 입고 다니기 좋아요.

100%만족 합니다!

I was looking for Hanbok as a gift for a couple and found it and came in.
I think the wind is going to wear it for a long time in the middle of summer.
And I hope that there will be various hanboks of hanboks.
The design is a bit plain. I think it'll be more useful if the sleeves come out a little longer. It's like everyday hanbok. Thanks to its size, it's the best.
It's good to wear comfortably.
I'm 100% satisfied!


Attachment 파파 후기.jpg


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